Get your business online with DynaQR


DynaQR A Quick Snapshot

Preferred Tetra Pak vendor

Assisting Tetra Pak in digital projects since 2018

Industry's most competitive pricing

Economical, flexible, and transparent pricing structure

Award-winning consumer engagement campaigns

Conceptualized award-winning consumer engagement campaigns for clients as per the request.

Plug-and-Play consumer engagement campaigns

Capability to enable robust plug and play consumer engagement modules as per requirement.

150+ Million dynamic codes served

More than 150+ dynamic codes supplied exclusively to Tetra Pak customers

Low Turn-Around-Time: 24 hours (upto 30M codes)

Supply dynamic QR codes in batches with the lowest turnaround time

The QR Code Revolution, What is DynaQR?

DynaQR is the state-of-the-art platform created by Ayruz to cater to the consumer engagement needs of Tetra Pak’s customers in the FMCG with dynamic QR codes. Our dynamic QR codes offer limitless possibilities, a doorway to a wide variety of their business and marketing needs.


Key Features of DynaQR?

  • Compliant

    with any specifications outlined by Tetra Pak

  • Track the QR Codes

    as per the requirement.

  • Personalised Consumer Engagement Campaign

    Capability to run personalised consumer side campaigns as per the need.

  • Secure & reliable hosting

    of codes database.

  • Export codes

    in .csv, excel and other formats in high-performance cloud storage.

  • Low Turn-Around-Time

    24 hours (upto 30M codes)

Capability to Run Limitless Personalised Campaigns

Build Awareness

Help spread brand awareness as per the requirement, be it general awareness or launching a new line of products.

Build Engagement

Assist your customers in running brand engagement campaigns based on various special occasions

Build Loyalty

Enable your customers to run loyalty-based campaigns to reward their regular consumers

Build Trust & Authenticity

Assist your customers in stressing the authenticity of their products, build brand trust, and showcase their certificate of genuinity

Download a free white paper to learn how dynaQR can supercharge your consumer campaign.

Industry’s most competitive pricing


for Tetra Pak Customers. To claim this limited time offer, contact Sales.
Get Offer


Get a custom plan for up to 100M codes or more, Contact Sales for a custom plan.

Want to learn how dynaQR can supercharge your next consumer campaign?

We're just an email away. Fill in your details, and our experts will get in touch with you at the earliest.

Feel free to get in touch, even if you’re not interested in using our services. We’re always ready and willing to guide and provide our best advice to any business in need.

Frequently asked questions

A Quick Response Code or QR code is a machine scannable 2D barcode that stores a particular type of information. Usually, the data stored can be text, image, audio, video, addresses, URL.

There are two different types of QR Codes. Static and Dynamic. Static QR codes are those where one data type is encoded. We cannot change that information in between.
Dynamic QR codes, on the other hand, are more sophisticated QR codes where we can programme the data or the destination at any time as per our convenience.

The key difference between static and dynamic QR codes lies in the data encoding and accessibility aspect. As you're aware, the data stored in static QR codes cannot be changed. However, for dynamic QR codes, you have the flexibility to modify the end destination as per your requirement. Not only that, if you're using them for your consumer campaign, you can even track the unique QR codes and obtain advanced level insights as well.

dynaQR is a simple, efficient, state of the art dynamic QR code solution powered by Ayruz Data Marketing exclusively for Tetra Pak customers for supercharging their next consumer engagement campaigns.

Obviously! With the help of dynaQR, you can generate unique programmable URLs of any volume that can be converted to QR codes by Tetra Pak printers and print them on your packaging.
We can program the destination of each QR code as per the requirement, and the consumers scanning the codes can be taken there for further engagement.

dynaQR supports all the QR code specifications outlined by Tetra Pak India, such as:

  • Alphanumeric Encoding: Numbers 0–9, Letters A–Z (uppercase only)
  • Symbols space $ % * + - . & /
  • Binary Encoding: Complete ASCII-based Latin alphabets according to ISO 8859-1a

Also, we can export the unique URLs into .csv files that can be uploaded to the Tetra Pak printers.

Once you're onboard as a dynaQR customer, and you'll receive access to a comprehensive dashboard that can be used to track the performance of the QR code supplied to you. Insights on various relevant metrics such as Total Scans, Duplicate Scans, Average Daily Scans, Marked Scans etc., can be obtained from the dashboard for your reference.

Simple, get in touch with us by clicking this , and we can discuss the next steps.