Retargeting Strategy

The concept of advertising has gone through a series of changes and challenges over the years. The way of bringing the products and services to the customers is maturing so uniquely with each brand. Every brand wants to stand out from the competition, and the way of marketing has played a vital role in positioning the brands in society. The brands that run their businesses online know the significance of online advertising. It reaches the mass audience simultaneously, and with the right digital marketing tools, one can capture the interest of their targeted audience. 

However, recent studies show that about 96% of your first-time website visitors leave without buying anything. They might either be coming to your website without any intention of buying or leave before they complete a purchase. 

The question here is how to bring them back to your website?
That’s how the Retargeting method comes into play.

What is Retargeting?

Retargeting is a form of paid advertisement that involves putting your ads in front of people who have visited your website recently and left for some reason. Marketers today consider retargeting as a vital tool for getting more sales and loyal customers, as it helps companies to reach a certain quantity of customers who don’t convert right away. 

The basic rule of marketing is to help customers to make up their minds about purchasing a product of a brand. Retargeting builds visibility for your brand, allowing you to reach an audience that has already expressed interest in your products. It is also cost-effective when compared to the rest of the digital marketing tools.


How Retargeting works?

Retargeting is a cookie-based technology that uses a simple Javascript code that is in-built on a website. The code will be invisible to the visitor of your page, and will not harm your page’s performance in any way. Every time a new visitor comes in, the code will drop an anonymous browser cookie, which will let your retargeting provider know when and where to share the ads. Retargeting advertisements remind your visitor about your products and services, no matter where they are. Hence the chances of the visitor revisiting your website and rethinking the purchase are high. This method is precise and accurate when it comes to targeting our audience. The visitors to retarget can be chosen using features that include targeting those people who visited a particular website or a partner website in the last 30 or 90 days. Various studies show that about 89% of the users either have a positive reaction or a neutral reaction to retargeting. 

Why choose Ayruz to implement Retargeting?

As the digital era grows swiftly, numerous online sellers and brands are getting launched every day. While the competition increases day by day, the main goal of every brand should be to drive more traffic to their website. However, that’s not the only case. Even if your brand creates a perfectly designed advertisement, the advertisement must reach the target audience rather than a mass at random. It is to ensure that your brand achieves more sales and gets more loyal customers. Retargeting helps your brand to position itself in the user’s memory so that they will either purchase a product from you or will remember your brand when the need arrives.

We, Ayruz, will help you in ensuring that your website reaches the right audiences using unique algorithms and programs, at the right time and right platform. Our expert staff will guide you through the services appropriate for your brand marketing strategy and will provide you the performance report from time to time.

Types of Retargeting services offered in Ayruz

There are  6 types of Retargeting services that Ayruz provides, to ensure precise and proper engagement for your brand from potential customers.

Search Retargeting

It is the method of grouping a set of audiences based on their keyword search behavior and then uses that audience for digital advertising. It might not guarantee a definite customer, yet it helps to get the business to the people who require it.

Engagement Retargeting

This type of retargeting method is useful for those sites that offer channels of engagements like videos, games, etc. The purpose of a user’s actions and their level of involvement can be deduced based on the user’s activities toward these activities, to serve highly targeted display ads.

Contextual Retargeting

This practice allows two different sites to target each other’s audience based on their similar keyword searches and queries.

Site Retargeting

 It is an advertising technique used by marketers to display their brand’s advertisement or reach out to those who have previously visited your site.


SEO/SEM Retargeting

When combining the search words used by the user that led them to your website and their actions after coming to your website, you get a deep insight into the user’s needs. 

Email Retargeting

It is the practice of reaching out to those leads based on their actions taken on the emails of your business and service at a previous point.

Types of Retargeting services offered in Ayruz-01

Search Retargeting

It is the method of grouping a set of audiences based on their keyword search behavior and then uses that audience for digital advertising. It might not guarantee a definite customer, yet it helps to get the business to the people who require it.

Engagement Retargeting

This type of retargeting method is useful for those sites that offer channels of engagements like videos, games, etc. The purpose of a user’s actions and their level of involvement can be deduced based on the user’s activities toward these activities, to serve highly targeted display ads.

Site Retargeting

It is an advertising technique used by marketers to display their brand’s advertisement or reach out to those who have previously visited your site.

Contextual Retargeting

This practice allows two different sites to target each other’s audience based on their similar keyword searches and queries.

SEO/SEM Retargeting

When combining the search words used by the user that led them to your website and their actions after coming to your website, you get a deep insight into the user’s needs. 

Email Retargeting

It is the practice of reaching out to those leads based on their actions taken on the emails of your business and service at a previous point.

Key Benefits of Retargeting

Retargeting is an innovative and cost-effective method that increases brand awareness in the most precise arrangement. Increased conversions ensure effective ROI. Hence retargeting has become essential for digital marketers over the years.

Key Benefits of Retargeting-01
  • Long term campaigns: The retargeted ads are repeatedly displayed to visitors after they leave your website, thus increasing the overall ROI. As the users see your brand’s advertisements, again and again, not only the chances of getting a purchase increases but also the brand becomes memorable to the users.
  • Cost-effective: The amount spent on retargeting ads is generally less than the other digital marketing tactics, as it focuses only on your previous visitors and not the overall public.
  • Tighten social engagements: Advertisements never run out of its course. So does retargeting ads. Retargeting ads can be shown on other websites and even on social media.

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