Why Are Reviews Important? – Infographics

Author : Nikhitha RS

Insight by: Nikhitha RS

Whether in a retail store or online, how do you ultimately make your purchase decision? Do you lean towards a brand you already know and trust? Or do you choose the product with the lowest price? Along with these factors, one of the largest influencers that directly impact consumer behavior is Online Reviews.

Reviews not only have the power to influence consumer decisions but also strengthen a company’s credibility. Online reviews can effortlessly gain the trust of customers and encourage people to interact with the company, which ultimately leads to improved profits for businesses. Statistics show that 72% of people will only interact with brands that have positive reviews to determine what products or services to purchase. That means, having a positive online presence with good reviews will give your brand several key advantages.

Understanding why you need online reviews will help you optimize your customer experience to create a positive online footprint. Let’s see why your consumers’ published experiences with your brand are vital through these infographics given below.

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