We are always searching for something, if you know what someone is searching for then you understand him better. If you can know what a nation is searching for then you can make a killing out of it. I help companies make that killing and I make living out of it. Its called search trend analysis and is a combination of statistics, search marketing, and common sense.
This journey has helped me understand the world around me better. recently I was going through online search data related to mobile phone brands for a client of mine. I was specifically looking at the Indian Chinese brands, the ones like Karbon, Micromax, and Celkon. Have you heard about Celkon?
Celkon used Sania Mirza to launch a model called ‘Millennium Vogue Q455′ in July 2014. Having played a little bit of tennis myself, I am a big fan of hers.
Photo credits (Hindu.com)
I wanted to know how getting her involved helped the brand and this is what I found out.
The search for Celkon started growing around the time of the launch and after a while, it’s becoming stable. So Sania Mirza launch worked for Celkon.
But the more interesting insight is the other graph, the search for Sania Mirza also started growing, but its growth declined after a while unlike the search for Celkon. To understand the reason I looked at the keywords that people were inputting.
Many of them were like “phone Sania Mirza launched”.
This means that the brand Celkon is not popular enough to have a standing of its own. People knew that Sania Mirza launched a phone, but they can’t remember which company it was and they were trying to find out.
Now, this just made me recall one of the Hugh Jackman ads from Micromax, I heard that they spend a fortune on him, so they must have got a huge spike in the search. So I collected the data and plotted the graph.
To my surprise, Hugh Jackman did not result in any considerable increase in search volume for Micromax. I thought a lot about it and finally concluded that Hugh Jackman is less popular in India than Sania Mirza. Here local celebrities work better than international celebrities. Looks like Micromax wasted money on Hugh Jackman.
Promotion:- If you want any such analysis done for your company let me know, I head a team of data scientists and programmers and help companies make sense of the data jungle out there. Please feel free to drop me an email at sanil@ayruz.com.
Managing Director Analytics & Digital at Ayruz Datamarketing, He is the Co-Founder of Ayruz and MobME Wireless. He holds an MBA, Strategy and Entrepreneurship (University of Strathclyde) and B-Tech in Computer Science from Cochin University.