Improve the page-load speed of your brand website with Google Tag Manager Server-Side Tagging

Author : Elizabeth Mathew

Insight by: Elizabeth Mathew

If your brand is all about providing a great experience for your audience, then you understand the importance of a faster loading website like we do. 

Page Load Speed Matter: Here’s Why

Slower loading websites hurts the user experience, your brand experience, especially if they have landed on your website the very first time- a new user, your potential customer. It also considerably impacts your key metrics, and the ROI from your paid campaigns.

Let us take a look at some key stats from Google to corroborate. According to a research conducted by Google if a website takes more than 3 seconds to load, 53% of users will leave, and Google estimates that on an average it takes 22 seconds to fully load a mobile landing page.

How Google Tag Manager Impacts Page Speed

Thanks to Google, when the first version of Google Tag Manager was released, brands and marketers were happy about the critical impact it can offer on page load speed by implementing tags from Google Tag Manager. GTM cut the need for tracking scripts to be hard-coded, but could be fired directly from the GTM container.

How Google Tag Manager Server-Side Impacts Page Speed

Now, you can fire up your website to load even faster with the Google Tag Manager Server-Side Tagging. You can do this when you move your GTM tags from the Client-Side Tagging to GTM Server-Side Tagging.

If you would like to explore the difference between Client-Side tagging and Server-Side tagging, you may head over here.

How does GTM Server Side Tags speed up your website?

Let us explore how GTM Server Side Tags can help speed up websites when you migrate from GTM Client-Side tagging or the old-school hard-coded tracking implementation. You need to be aware that, if you choose to combine both server-side tracking and browser/ client-side tracking, you will not be able to see any page speed improvement.

The server container feature that Google rolled out for Google Tag Manager and Tag Manager 360 in 2020 allows brands and marketers to move their tracking and measurement tags to a server container hosted in the cloud. With this implementation websites can load faster, tracking will be more accurate, and brands can ensure they are compliant with regulations like GDPR and CCPA, ensure more data protection, and more.

Historically, tracking and measurement tags are loaded directly on the user’s web browser (Client-Side tagging), and when you move all the client-side tags to the cloud server, that will help your brand website to load faster on the user’s browser, impacting their brand experience and other key conversion metrics that matter for your brand.

Additionally, Google Tag Manager Comes with a host of additional benefits besides speeding up your website. You can head over here to understand all the key pain-points that GTM Server-Side Tagging can help you fix and the benefits of using GTM Server-Side Tagging. 

If you would like to understand more about: 

Google Tag Manager Server-Side Tagging and how it can impact your brand

Tracking and Measurement in the Cookie-less world now that third-party cookies will be killed entirely in 2023, you may download our free whitepaper here.

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